Keeping My Car Cleaner


Tires 101: A Guide For First-Time Auto Owners

Becoming a first-time automobile owner comes with a lot of new responsibilities, and you will have a lot to learn, and proper car maintenance will be a big part of that learning curve. One of the components you will have to learn how to properly maintain is the tires, but a lot of new car owners assume this really should be no big deal. Yet, the more you know about yo

4 Rules For Recovering Your 4X4

One of the best things about owing a 4x4 is that you can take it off the paved roads. You can have adventures on your 4x4 driving it down dirt roads and uncharged paths. However, sometimes when you go off adventuring, there are consequences. If you get stuck when you are out driving your 4x4 and having some fun, you need to understand how to recover your vehicle prope

3 Tips For Making Scheduled Car Maintenance More Convenient

Even though you might realize how important it is for you to take good care of your car, you might find that actually having to take it to the shop can be a big pain. Luckily, there are a few tips that you can follow if you would like to make scheduled car maintenance a little more convenient. These are a few tips that just might help. 1. Have Everything Done at Once

Need To Purchase Auto Parts? 3 Different Ways You Can Get Them

If you are having problems with your car and need to purchase some auto parts, there are many ways you can do so. Taking time to look into all these ways can help save you a lot of money as one establishment will likely charge more than another. To help you get the parts in your hands, keep reading to learn of three different ways. Online Auto Parts Stores The first p

3 Ways To Turn Customers Into Regulars At Your Convenience Store

As a convenience store owner, you might see a lot of different faces each day. If you would like to build up a base of loyal customers, consider these tips for turning your occasional customers into those who stop in and frequent your business on a regular basis. 1. Sell Gas If there is one thing that most drivers have in common, it's the fact that they have to purcha