When it comes to your fleet of trucks, you need to take every step possible to keep them running efficiently. One way to do that is through a fleet GPS tracking system. A good GPS tracking system allows you to monitor your fleet 24-hours a day. Here are four tips that will help you get the most out of your new system.
Don't Sell Yourself Short on the Tracking Services
If you've decided to invest in a GPS tracking system for your truck fleet, don't sell yourself short on the services you receive. Before you choose a tracking service, make sure it will provide you with everything you need. Your tracking system should have easy-to-read dashboard metrics, as well as navigation and communication capabilities. The system you choose should also come with 24-hour customer service access. If your system develops issues, you need to know that you can get them resolved quickly.
Don't Just Track the Vehicle Travel Routes
If you're going to install a GPS tracking system for your fleet, don't just use it to track the travel routes. Your GPS system is designed to do so much more than that. Here are just four additional monitoring capabilities your GPS tracking will provide you with.
When you utilize your GPS tracking system, you'll know exactly when your trucks need to come in for maintenance.
Fuel Consumption
If you're paying fuel costs for your fleet of trucks, you don't want to be wasting money each month. Your tracking system will help you monitor fuel consumption, which will allow you to make adjustments as needed.
Driver Habits
When you run a fleet of trucks, it's crucial that you know how your drivers behave when they're behind the wheel. Your GPS tracking system will allow you to monitor driver habits, including unsafe driving practices, hard stops, and quick starts.
Idling is an issue that can cause serious problems for your company. First, excess idling wears out your engine faster. Second, excess idling burns through fuel quicker. Finally, excess idling is prohibited in some states. Your GPS tracking system helps you monitor for excess idling so you can remedy the problem.
Don't Forget Your New Trucks
If you're going to invest in a tracking system for your fleet, don't forget about your new trucks. When you bring new trucks into the fleet, you need to have them added to the system as soon as possible. That way, every truck in your fleet will be protected.
Don't Leave Your Drivers Out of the Loop
If you're adding GPS tracking to your fleet, don't leave your drivers out of the loop. They need to understand why you're installing the system and how it will benefit them. One way to get them on board with the GPS system is to show them how the system works.